Join the Tsuboi lab!
We are currently setting up our lab at Lund University/Sweden and are actively looking for motivated students and postdocs who would like to contribute to an inclusive, collaborative, diverse and dynamic academic environment at the Department of Biology of Lund University. Our ongoing research includes:
See several possibilities I describe below, and if interested, please reach out to Masahito Tsuboi and include a CV and a statement about your research interest and previous experience. We value passion-driven students and postdocs who dare to cross linguistic, cultural, or disciplinary boundaries for unforeseen discoveries and understandings. I am here to help those passionate will to flourish.
If you want to do a postdoc in my lab:
OPPORTUNITY 1. Grant: Marie-Curie fellowship and Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) offer opportunities for you to bring your own research idea to my lab. If you have ideas and motivations to try these out, let's talk! I’m especially interested in applicants who benefit from 1) big image data of insect wing (> 30,000 images from > 100 species), 2) phenomics pipeline to extract high-dimensional phenotypic data from images, 3) spatiotemporally replicated estimates of phenotypic selection in nature, 4) theories combining quantitative genetics and phylogenetic comparative methods, 5) infrastructures to conduct behavioural experiments of insects in the field and the lab, and 6) global network of evolvability research. These calls are open for any nationalities, but HFSP has age limitation.
OPPORTUNITY 2. Stipend: In Sweden, there are several private foundations that provide stipend (i.e., non-taxed scholarship) for postdocs. The scope of those stipends are similar to grant-based fellowship introduced above, but it often comes without the funding for research. Thus, those stipends favour applicants who would be interested in projects that are already in place in my lab or the project that can be accomplished without research funding such as theory developments or meta-analyses.
Wenner-Gren Foundation, Olle Engkvists Foundation, Carl-Triggers Foundation provide stipends for general and basic research in natural sciences. Sven and Lilli Lawski's Foundation provides stipend for genetic and molecular research. These opportunities are open for any nationalities, but most of them have age limits (< 5 years after PhD in many cases).
If you want to be project assistants and internships in my lab:
Every summer, from May to August, my lab will hire 1-2 project assistants and invite another few internships (return trip + accommodation but no salary) to support my field work on damselfly in southern Sweden. I announce those opportunities around January every year.
- How selection and constraints shape the co/variance matrices of high-dimensional phenotypes
- Evolutionary ecology of insect wing morphology
- Evolutionary ecology of antler morphology in Cervidae
- Explanation of the paradox of predictability
See several possibilities I describe below, and if interested, please reach out to Masahito Tsuboi and include a CV and a statement about your research interest and previous experience. We value passion-driven students and postdocs who dare to cross linguistic, cultural, or disciplinary boundaries for unforeseen discoveries and understandings. I am here to help those passionate will to flourish.
If you want to do a postdoc in my lab:
OPPORTUNITY 1. Grant: Marie-Curie fellowship and Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP) offer opportunities for you to bring your own research idea to my lab. If you have ideas and motivations to try these out, let's talk! I’m especially interested in applicants who benefit from 1) big image data of insect wing (> 30,000 images from > 100 species), 2) phenomics pipeline to extract high-dimensional phenotypic data from images, 3) spatiotemporally replicated estimates of phenotypic selection in nature, 4) theories combining quantitative genetics and phylogenetic comparative methods, 5) infrastructures to conduct behavioural experiments of insects in the field and the lab, and 6) global network of evolvability research. These calls are open for any nationalities, but HFSP has age limitation.
OPPORTUNITY 2. Stipend: In Sweden, there are several private foundations that provide stipend (i.e., non-taxed scholarship) for postdocs. The scope of those stipends are similar to grant-based fellowship introduced above, but it often comes without the funding for research. Thus, those stipends favour applicants who would be interested in projects that are already in place in my lab or the project that can be accomplished without research funding such as theory developments or meta-analyses.
Wenner-Gren Foundation, Olle Engkvists Foundation, Carl-Triggers Foundation provide stipends for general and basic research in natural sciences. Sven and Lilli Lawski's Foundation provides stipend for genetic and molecular research. These opportunities are open for any nationalities, but most of them have age limits (< 5 years after PhD in many cases).
If you want to be project assistants and internships in my lab:
Every summer, from May to August, my lab will hire 1-2 project assistants and invite another few internships (return trip + accommodation but no salary) to support my field work on damselfly in southern Sweden. I announce those opportunities around January every year.